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Buccal Fat Removal Sydney NSW

Buccal Fat Removal Sydney - Surgery to reduce fat in the cheeks

Buccal Fat Removal Sydney NSW

Buccal Fat Removal Sydney - Surgery to reduce fat in the cheeks

What is Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

Buccal Fat Pad Reduction is a facial cosmetic procedure that aims to remove fat from the cheeks. “Buccal fat” is the medical term used to refer to cheek fat.

The cheeks are usually have slightly more fat present during our young adult years and tend to become slimmer as we age. However, in some people, the cheeks are genetically larger. It tends to “run in the family”. There are several names for buccal fat removal surgery including:

  • Buccal Fat Pad Excision
  • Cheek Fat Removal
  • Buccal Fat Pad Reduction
  • Buccal Fat Extraction
  • Chubby Cheek Reduction
  • Chubby Cheek Surgery
  • Fat Face Reduction
  • Puffy Cheeks Surgery

Why Patients Might Consider Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?

Buccal fat extraction is one of several surgeries to help address the appearance of the face (such as jaw surgery and chin reduction surgery).

There are a number of reasons why patients might consider undergoing buccal fat removal surgery, including:

  • If they would like to alter the appearance of their cheeks
  • If they have good facial skin quality
  • If they are in a fairly good health condition
  • If they can stop smoking for at least 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after surgery

If you meet the above criteria, then you may be considered as a suitable candidate for Buccal Fat Pad Excision.

Buccal Fat Removal Dr Maryam

How Is Buccal Fat Removal Surgery Performed?

Buccal fat reduction is usually done as day surgery. The procedure is performed with the help of local anaesthesia. You might be given a sedative to help you relax, though. The procedure can take 30 to 60 minutes from start to finish.

Dr Maryam will start by injecting the local anaesthetic (e.g. lidocaine) into the cheeks. This is done from inside the mouth. The lidocaine will numb the cheeks so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure. After that, Dr Maryam will start the buccal fat removal procedure. She will start by performing a small 2-4 cm incision on the inside of each cheek (adjacent to the upper gum). She will then press the cheek with one hand from outside, making the deep cheek fat protrude from the surgical opening inside.

Dr Maryam will then use forceps, scissors, and (sometimes) an electrical knife to cut out the extra cheek fat. On average, less than 10 ml of fat is removed during buccal fat extraction to effectively slim the cheeks.

The amount of fat removed is not the only determinant of a good aesthetic outcome. Dr Maryam gives special attention to symmetry and facial proportions so that the final results are in line with the discussed results and expectations.

Once enough fat is removed, Dr Maryam will close the wounds inside your mouth.


Recovery after Buccal Fat Removal Surgery

Buccal fat removal surgery recovery is usually quite minimal. You can usually go back to work the next day after your buccal fat extraction. You might experience some swelling and pain in the cheek area after the procedure. The pain is usually minimal and very well tolerated by patients. The swelling might last several weeks, obscuring the full effect of the procedure. However, by 4-6 weeks, all of the swelling should be gone, and you will be able to enjoy the full results.

During buccal fat removal recovery, you should be mindful of what you eat. Avoid spicy, hard, granular, and sharp foods. These might irritate the wound and impair its healing. You can brush your teeth, however, do so gently until your wounds heal.

Buccal Fat Removal Cost Sydney - How much does buccal fat removal surgery cost in Sydney NSW?

Determining the price of buccal fat removal surgery is not as simple as it sounds. The surgical needs vary from one person to another. The type of anaesthesia and where you’re getting the surgery also play a role. Dr Maryam can only give you an accurate estimate of buccal fat removal costs after she sees you and discusses your needs with you. In general, most women and men find buccal fat extraction affordable.

Is Buccal Fat Removal surgery covered by Medicare or private health insurance?

Medicare and insurance in Australia do not usually cover the costs of buccal fat removal surgery. It’s considered a purely cosmetic surgery and so you will need to cover the costs yourself.

Find out more about a Buccal Fat Removal Surgery Payment Plan, or the costs for other face surgery on our Surgical Costs page.

Speak With Dr Maryam Seyedabadi

Dr Seyedabadi prides himself on providing the most appropriate techniques and practices for all patients, which begins from the first consultation.

Next Step – Fill in the Enquiry form or call Dr Maryam’s Team on 1300 157 200.

Enquire Now

FAQs for Buccal Fat Removal Surgery

Is buccal fat removal a good idea?


This depends on your preferences. Buccal fat extraction provides an option to reduce cheek size.

Is buccal fat removal permanent?


Yes. The fat removed from the cheeks in a buccal fat extraction is removed forever. It cannot grow back.

How painful is buccal fat removal?


Cheek reduction surgery is not especially painful. The pain is generally well tolerated by patients. Routine painkillers are usually enough during recovery.

How can I reduce my buccal fat naturally?


By losing weight and exercising, you might be able to reduce your cheek fat without surgery. However, in some cases, buccal fat is stubborn.

What should I eat after buccal fat?


You are generally allowed to eat anything you want after buccal fat removal. However, we recommend you stay away from spicy, hot, physically hard or sharp, and fine granular foods. These can irritate the wound and interfere with healing.

Does buccal fat go away with age?


Yes. The facial fat pads tend to regress as you age, leading to decreased buccal fat. In some people, however, buccal fat may persist.

How long is recovery from buccal fat removal?


Recovery from buccal fat extraction is generally quite minimal. You can usually go back to work the second day after your procedure. Pain might persist for a few days, but it’s usually very well tolerated. Swelling can last up to 6 weeks before completely resolving.

Can you reverse buccal fat removal?


Yes. If you are not satisfied with how thin your face is after buccal fat removal then it may be filled again. Fat grafting is a technique used to refill the face with your own fat.

Can I brush my teeth after buccal fat removal?


Yes. You can brush your teeth after fat cheek surgery, however, you need to be careful when brushing near your wounds.

What are Risks and Complications of Buccal Fat Removal Surgery?


As long as it’s being performed by an appropriately qualified plastic surgeon, risks can be minimised. Rare complications include:

  • Facial nerve injury
  • Injury to the salivary glands
  • Fluid collection in the wound (seroma)
  • Blood collection in the wound (hematoma)
  • Persistent bleeding
  • Skin numbness
  • Asymmetric results
  • Over-reduction of the cheeks
  • Wound infection

Keep in mind that these complications rarely occur, and your plastic surgeon’s experience can be an essential factor in preventing them. Find out more about risks and complications of plastic surgery.

It also must be considered that buccal fat removal is a surgical procedure and all surgical procedures carry inherent risks. These risks must be understood in full prior to undergoing surgery.

Dr Maryam Seyedabadi

Dr Maryam Seyedabadi has recently joined Dr Hunt’s practice in Edgecliff and is now available for consultations on a range of plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery for breast, body and face.

She is just one of the very few dually qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeons, completing both medical and dental degrees. This gives her a unique skillset and ability for face surgery, orthognathic & jaw surgery.

As a Sydney Female Plastic Surgeon, Dr Maryam offers surgery by women for women. She is supported in clinic & theatre by a completely female surgical team for those who prefer being operated on in a women-only or more female-friendly private hospital environment.

