Characteristics of the Perfect Breasts
Sometimes you see a pair of breasts and you think they look just perfect! But when you try to imagine them for yourself, the image doesn’t quite fit. What makes the perfect breasts for you?
Ideal breast characteristics include good breast symmetry, the right breast size, natural breast shape, a prominent cleavage, proportional breast and nipple position, and balanced breast firmness. No matter the shape, size, or position, the perfect breasts are the ones you feel the most comfortable with.
Of course, different people have different perceptions and opinions on what a perfect breast looks like. For some patients, it will be a fuller, rounder look and for others, it will be a smaller, more petite and athletic look and each individual patient needs to be assessed based on their perception of what the perfect result for them will be.
Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast cosmetic surgery. He performs different surgical techniques for breast augmentation, reduction, lift, and reconstruction surgeries that can give you the aesthetic results you’ve always wanted.
Guide to Breast Surgery

Standard Breast Surgery
First Step to Get the Perfect Breasts
Process of consultation is the first step, and this would involve discussing with patients their expectations, so that the image that they have in their mind can be formulated into a surgical plan, so the result they desire can be delivered.
It may take multiple consultations and is often worthwhile for patients to bring images of what they think the perfect result they desire is.
Factors that will need to be considered will be the height of the patient, the weight of the patient, the width of their chest, their lifestyle and the length of their chest, as well as torso in terms of a ratio.
Anatomy Of the Breast
Your breasts are mainly made up of three types of tissue:
- Glandular tissue: containing lobes and lobules that end in bulbs (glands) that can produce breast milk. The lobes, lobules, and bulbs are all connected by thin ducts
- Fat tissue: the adipose tissue that gives your breasts their volume. The fat fills the spaces between your breast’s glandular tissue
- Connective tissue: the tissue that holds your breast tissue together and gives your breasts their form
There are no muscles in the breasts. However, your breast tissues are organised on top of your chest wall muscles, known as the pectoral muscles. Hence, your breast on the inside has your breast fat, lobes, lobules, and ducts sitting on top of your chest’s muscles.
On the outside, almost in the centre of the breast, you have a pigmented circular area on the breast’s skin (areola) with the nipple.
The size, volume, and positioning of these different types of breast components give each breast its unique shape, form, and size.
What Makes the Perfect Breasts?
When you think of what perfect breasts look like, a lot of things can pop into your mind. How big should the breasts be? How far apart? What’s the right breast shape? Where should the breasts sit on the chest?
There isn’t one thing on its own that makes the breasts look great. A combination of different breast characteristics can give you breasts that you like.
The perfect shaped breast has well been described in terms of angles, distances, width and volume.
Some believe that the perfect shape would involve having 45% of the volume of the breast above the nipple and 55% of the volume below. A gentle ramp from the top of the breast to the location of the nipple is considered ideal and inclination of the nipple above horizontal of approximately 15° is well described.
This though may not meet everyone’s expectations and different people will look for a different result that they would regard as ‘perfect’.
Things that need to be considered would include breast symmetry, volume, shape, perkiness and position on the chest.
· Breast symmetry
Things and features that are symmetric are usually considered beautiful and attractive. Breasts are no different.
The breasts can look asymmetric when one breast is larger than the other or when one droops down more than the other. This can make your breasts look uneven and like they don’t fit together.
The more symmetric and even the breasts are, the more alluring they look and the more the chest appears harmonious.
· The right breast size
Ideally, the breast size shouldn’t be too small or too big for your body. And the phrase “bigger is always better” definitely doesn’t apply here.
Breasts that are too large or too tiny for your chest can make your entire upper body look out of balance. The size of your breasts should be proportional to the size and shape of the rest of your upper body.
For example, full and voluminous breasts would fit the body of women with wide shoulders and a broad waist. The larger breast size will better complement the dimensions of such body types.
On the other hand, the same breast size may not look as good on someone with a petite figure and a narrow waist. The breasts could look oversized and give the illusion that the shoulders and even head are too small for the body.
· Breast shape
A natural and beautiful breast shape is one of the most desired qualities in breasts.
There are a lot of different types and shapes of breasts out there. You have the round, archetype, the bell-shaped, and many other breast shapes.
The natural shape of the breast resembles a teardrop; the breast tissue starts slightly thinner at the top and then gradually slopes into more fullness below the nipple.
Breasts that are equally full at the upper and lower poles can look a bit too rounded and appear somehow unnatural.
Moreover, breasts that look tuberous, box-shaped, cone-shaped, elongated, snoopy, or puffy can be aesthetically unpleasant and make your chest look less attractive.
· Perky breasts
“Perkiness” is one of the most desired breast features. Losing a lot of weight, giving birth, or simply growing older can leave your breasts looking saggy and deflated.
· Cleavage
A well-defined cleavage is one of the hallmarks of good-looking breasts. A V-shaped neckline dress or shirt can look better with an accentuated cleavage.
The ideal breast cleavage shouldn’t be too wide or too narrow whether you’re wearing a push-up bra, a bikini, or even nothing at all.
· Breast position on the chest
The position of your breasts on your chest plays a huge role in how good your breasts look.
Breasts that sit too low on the chest can appear saggy even when they’re not. They can also make the space between the neck and breast look too wide and the entire chest area looks out of balance.
Conversely, if the breasts are positioned too high up on your chest, they can appear too close to your neck and make your chest look crowded.
The ideal breasts will have to be positioned somewhere in the middle of your chest; not too high up but not too low either.
· Nipple position
Breasts that look good usually also have nipples that look good as well. One of the breast cosmetic concerns that many women have is the position of their nipples.
In some cases, the nipple can hang low on the breast or point downward; this is known as nipple ptosis. In other cases, nipples may be too far apart or too close to one another. Either way, the nipple will look out of place and make your breast look less attractive.
When the nipples are lifted and centered, the breasts will look more natural and in good shape.
· Breast firmness
Having beautiful breasts isn’t just about how your breasts look, it’s also about how your breasts feel to the touch.
While firm breasts are a sign of youth and health, a lot of people also prefer the breast to feel somehow soft when squeezed. So how firm should the breasts be?
Once again, it all comes down to a balance between firmness and softness that can determine the beast’s attractiveness.
· Comfort
And last but not least, comfort. The ideal breasts for you would be breasts you feel comfortable with. They don’t feel too heavy on your chest, you can easily fit them into clothes and they look just right on you.
Every person has a different idea of what beauty looks like so ultimately the perfect breasts are breasts that fit your beauty standards and aesthetic goals.
How to Get the Breasts You Like
Your breasts don’t always look exactly the way you want them to. Fortunately for people looking to get the perfect chest, several cosmetic surgeries can change the size, shape, and firmness of your breasts.
Dr Jeremy Hunt performs a variety of plastic and reconstructive breast surgeries that can change different breast features and give you natural and desirable breasts.
1. Breast augmentation
A breast augmentation surgery, also known as a boob job or augmentation mammoplasty, is a cosmetic surgery done to enhance the size and shape of the breasts.
The process of breast augmentation involves increasing the volume of the breasts. This can be done using fat transfer or using an implant, be it silicone or saline and each individual patient has a decision-making process as to where the incision will be located for insertion of the breast prosthesis, whether the implant is located above or below the muscle, the shape of the implant could be round or teardrop shaped and the fill of the implant could be silicone or saline.
Ultimately, the volume of the implant can range extensively from 100 cc to 800 cc and each of these will have an impact on the final result that is achieved.
If you’re unsatisfied with the way your breasts look, Dr Hunt can perform a breast augmentation surgery to:
- Enlarge your breasts
- Improve the shape of your breasts
- Highlight your cleavage
- Give you a more voluminous chest
- Add firmness to your breasts
Your breast implants can be placed either above the muscle (subglandular implants) or under the muscle (submuscular implants). The placement of your implants can affect how your breasts end up looking. For example, above-the-muscle implants can add more volume to your breasts and give you a better cleavage, while under-the-muscle implants can give you more natural-looking breasts.
2. Breast Lift
A breast lift or a mastopexy is another breast cosmetic surgery that can plump up and reshape your breasts without using implants.
If your breasts have enough volume but they’re starting to droop down and sag, Dr Hunt offers breast lifts without implants to fix your deflated boobs appearance.
One of the aspects of the perfect shaped breast is to have the nipple located on the apex or the top of the breast mound.
If there has been descent or drop in the height of the nipple, be it due to ageing, weight loss or potential changes with pregnancy, breastfeeding and childbirth, then a breast-lift may be necessary to achieve the desired breast shape.
There are several breast lift techniques, including:
- Lollipop lift
- Crescent lift
- Donut lift
- Anchor lift
These mastopexy techniques allow Dr Hunt to lift your breasts into a perkier position and give them a smoother and tighter contour. Moreover, your nipple and areola are also lifted into a more natural height.
3. Breast reduction
Breast reduction surgery or reduction mammaplasty is a cosmetic procedure that can permanently reduce the size of excessively heavy breasts. The perfect breast for some patients can involve the removal of back, neck and shoulder pain caused by excessively heavy breasts.
During a breast reduction surgery, Dr Hunt removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to make your breasts look smaller and more proportional to the rest of your body. A breast reduction is a good option for some patients as it can relieve daily back, neck and shoulder pain and discomfort due to heavy and pendulous breasts.
4. Breast reconstruction
Breast reconstruction surgery is a cosmetic surgery done to reshape the breasts and rebuild damaged breast tissue.
Dr Hunt performs reconstructive surgery of the breasts for patients with tuberous breast deformity and patients who’ve undergone breast cancer surgery.
Breast reconstruction can:
- Restore the breast’s symmetry
- Fix breast anatomical deformities
- Give the breasts more volume
- Sculpt the breast into a more cosmetically appealing shape
- Reduce the size of enlarged areolas
Dr Hunt custom tailors each cosmetic breast surgery to make sure you end up with the breast features that suit both your body and beauty ideals.
FAQs about Perfect Breasts
How can I make my boobs attractive?
- Attractive breasts are usually symmetric, lifted, perky, and have enough volume. Certain exercises and clothing can make your breasts look better and bigger, but not by much and not for a long time. Ultimately, the only way to get fuller rounder breasts that stand firm is by cosmetic breast surgery.
How do you make saggy breasts look good?
- Sagging breasts cannot become firm again on their own. Your breasts don’t have any muscles, so it’s not possible to tighten up your breast tissue with exercise. However, you can lift your breasts and get rid of breast sagging by getting a Mastopexy (breast lift surgery) if you have enough natural breast tissue. On the other hand, you can get an augmentation mammoplasty to improve saggy breasts that aren’t big enough, to begin with. Your surgeon can add volume to your breasts using breast Implants, fat transfers, or a combination of both.
What to do if one breast is bigger than the other?
- It’s normal for one of your breasts to have a slightly different size than the other. Breasts are hardly ever 100% symmetrical. However, if one breast is remarkably larger than the other it can make the breasts look uneven and unnatural. Asymmetrical breasts can be fixed by making one of the breasts smaller (breast reduction surgery) to match the other, or one of the breasts bigger (breast augmentation surgery) to match the size and shape of the other.
Further Reading about Breast Procedures
- Read Dr Hunt’s Breast Surgery page
- Read Dr Hunt’s Breast Asymmetry Surgery page
- Read Dr Hunt’s Breast Lift Surgery page
- Read Dr Hunt’s page on Breast Augmentation with Implants page
- See Dr Hunt’s Real Patient Breast Surgery Before and After Photos
Medical References
- The Impact of Breast Symmetry on Eye Movement and Gaze Pattern: An Eye-Tracking Investigation
- An Ideal Female Breast Shape in Balance with the Body Proportions of Asians – PMC
- Breast Augmentation – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf
- Breast Lift with and without Implant: A Synopsis and Primer for the Plastic Surgeon – PMC
- Breast Reconstruction – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf
About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Specialist Plastic Surgeon
Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery. He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing cosmetic and plastic surgery in Sydney.
Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his guidance, can achieve good results.
Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.
Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education
Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of ASPS – the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.
Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt
Want more information before scheduling your consultation?
- Find out more about pricing, medical payment plans and paying for your surgery
- Request more information about the procedure – call on 1300 157 200 or contact us
If breast reduction is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.
- Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.