How to Have a Smooth Recovery after Chin Surgery
Cosmetic surgery can address a lot of aesthetic concerns including a weak or receding chin. A chin augmentation will strengthen your profile and add to the physical appeal. But your final results will only be visible after the recovery after chin surgery.
Dr Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon who performs chin surgery procedures in Sydney NSW. His techniques aim to bring out optimal results and reduce the recovery period.
Guide to Rapid Recovery

Rapid Recovery
Types of Chin Augmentation
Genioplasty is a medical term used for chin augmentation. They are mainly of two types: chin augmentation and sliding genioplasty. The procedure can be performed either by a facial plastic surgeon or a maxillofacial surgeon. Let’s discuss the types of chin augmentation surgery in detail:
· Chin Implants
Chin implants are a cosmetic surgery procedure that completely alters the look of your chin by increasing/ decreasing the size of the chin and reshaping it. The procedure is usually performed with the patient under general anaesthesia. During the surgery, Dr Hunt will make incisions on the sides of your face or behind your earlobes. Then a synthetic plastic material will be inserted into the chin which will essentially secure the bone.
If you decide to go with a non-surgical approach, fillers are injected into the chin area which enhances the appearance of your chin and your overall face.
· Sliding Genioplasty
The procedure is also called osseous genioplasty. During the surgery, Dr Hunt will cut the chin and jawbone to correct the chin deficiencies. The aim is to reshape the chin, and jaw bone, and give a more stable structure to your face.
The procedure is recommended to patients with retrogenia. Retrogenia is a genetic condition that causes the chin to protrude backward toward the neck. This condition is referred to as a weak and receding chin. Generally, retrogenia doesn’t negatively impact the functionality of the jaw/mouth. Sometimes the severe forms of the condition can lead to laboured breathing in infants which requires correction.
Chin Implant Pre-Surgery Preparation
The basis of a smooth recovery is laid during the pre-surgery phase. Every surgical/non-surgical procedure requires some kind of preparation on your part. Before your surgery, Dr Hunt will guide you and give you instructions to follow before the surgery. During the consultation, ask as many questions as you would like until you are fully clear on how to take care of yourself.
Here are a few recommendations to help you prepare for surgery:
· Quit Smoking
Make sure to quit smoking a few weeks before the surgery. Smoking will cause carcinogens and toxins to enter the bloodstream. It will prevent blood from delivering oxygen to all the organs in your body which can severely disrupt the healing process.
· Stay Clear of Certain Medications
Make sure to avoid all the over-the-counter meds, pain killers, supplements, all sorts of anti-inflammatory meds, and any OTC drugs as it can lead to prolonged bleeding post the surgery. Be sure to get the complete list of medications that must be avoided. While you are at it, get a list of prescription medications that you will be needing post-surgery and stock up on them in advance.
· Prepare Your Meals in Advance
Make sure to prepare healthy, home-cooked meals and refrigerate them. It will come in the handy post the surgery. You don’t want to have foods that are high in sodium post the surgery. Hence, it is important to stock up on healthy meals in advance.
· Important Contacts
Keep all the important contacts in one place including your emergency care provider and display them somewhere where you can see them. Send the important contacts to close friends and family members that will be assisting you during the recovery period.
· Prepare Your Resting Space
Make sure to prepare your resting space in advance. This would be typically your bedroom. Make sure to include everything that you will need in one space. It includes a couple of extra pillows, chargers, books, and any other entertainment options on your bedside table. Stock up on your meds and keep them on the side along with a few snacks.
· Make Practical Arrangements in Advance
A few weeks before the procedure, make sure to get all the major chores done in advance. This will give you peace of mind. Make sure that you come to a tidy and clean home where you can rest in comfort. Get your hands on comfortable clothing such as button-down shirts and zip-up garments.
Make sure to get your clothes ironed and ready for the first few weeks of recovery. You won’t feel like doing your laundry when you are recovering. Make sure you have easy to wear, comfortable, and breathable clothes to wear during the recovery period.
Arrange for someone to drive you home after the surgery. Take a week off from work. It will allow you to recover and rest without any stress.
Following these tips will give you peace of mind and ensure your recovery goes smoothly.
How Long Is the Recovery Period After Chin Surgery?
Injectable chin implants don’t come with an extensive recovery period. You might be asked to stay cautious and avoid certain activities for a few days. After that, you will be good to go and indulge in all kinds of activities. In the case of surgical procedures, the recovery period is longer.
The first-week post the surgery is typically the most challenging. You are bound to experience bruising, swelling, and redness around the incision site. These all are perfectly normal and to be expected. After the first two weeks, you will be able to return to your usual activities. Do not engage in any strenuous activities and stay clear of the heavy lifting as well. The recovery period will last around six weeks. After that, most patients are fully healed and will be able to get back to their usual routines. During the recovery phase, you have to take proper care of yourself and allow yourself to recover.
Chin-Implant Post Surgery Recovery Tips
With the right knowledge, you can heal and recover without any complications. Here are a few tips for you:
· Walking Works
Make sure to take short walks of around 10 to 15 minutes daily post the surgery. This will kick start your healing journey, improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots.
· Take Your Pills
Take all your medications on time. They will help keep the swelling and pain at bay and allow you to recover smoothly post-surgery. Do not take any over the counter drugs and supplements without the consent of Dr Hunt as it can worsen the bruising and swelling.
· Cold Compress
Use cold compression to minimise swelling and bruising after the surgery. The cold temperature will help constrict the blood vessels and minimise bruising. Do not put ice directly on your skin. Always wrap it up in a towel and place it on the chin area for 10 minutes at a time. Then take a break of 10 to 15 minutes. You will be amazed at how effective it is.
· Incision Care
Take care of your incisions as per the instructions given to you by Dr Hunt. Make sure to keep them clean and dry at all times. Apply the topical ointments as instructed. Do not put any kind of pressure on the incisions.
· Activity Levels
Stay clear of all sorts of strenuous activities during the first two weeks of recovery. Do not lift anything heavy during this time frame. During the initial two weeks, walking is the only safe workout. Post two weeks, you can start incorporating light activities into your routine. However, it is important to consult Dr Hunt in this regard and listen to his opinion. More importantly, listen to your own body. At any point, if you feel tired and fatigued, stop, catch a breath, drink some water and rest as needed.
· Your Diet during Recovery
Stay clear of chewing as much as possible. Smoothies, juices, and soft cereals are great options. Choose soft foods. Moreover, keep in mind that eating can be difficult initially. Slowly, it will get better. Make sure to eat foods that are low in sodium. Limit your caffeine intake as well. Sodium and caffeine can worsen the swelling and slow down the recovery process. Drink plenty of water as well.
· Wear a Chin Strap
Wearing a chin strap is important if you want to get rid of the swelling quickly. Dr Hunt might advise you to wear it for two weeks. Ideally, you should be wearing it even while sleeping. You will notice a significant improvement in terms of swelling.
· Follow Up Visits
Make sure to go to all of your follow up appointments. This gives Dr Hunt a chance to overview your progress and prevent any possible complications.
· Sleeping Position
Sleep with your head in an elevated position. Ideally, a recliner would work best. If you want to sleep in your bed instead, stack up a few pillows underneath your head. Avoid laying on your side or face as it will put direct pressure on your incisions.
· Smoking/Alcohol
Do not consume alcohol and avoid smoking for the initial few weeks of recovery. Both of these aren’t only harmful to your health but also can disrupt recovery and worsen bruising and swelling. So, it is best to avoid them for the specified time duration.
· Other Instructions
Avoid bending over or putting any pressure on the incision site. You can brush your teeth but be very gentle and careful. You need to take proper care of your incisions as per the instructions given by Dr Hunt. Avoid excessive facial movements including smiling, and grinning for the first two to three weeks. At any point, if you experience any discomfort or complications, reach out to your medical team.
Results of Chin Surgery
The final results of the chin surgery are not visible immediately after the procedure because of the swelling. Most of the swelling will subside in about two weeks. But there might be some swelling that take nearly six weeks to go away. You might have a bit of residual swelling left but it is barely noticeable. Most people would be able to see the results in about six weeks.
If you experience any of the following symptoms during the recovery phase: shortness of breath, chest pains or unusual heartbeats, immediately get in touch with your doctor and seek medical care.
Following Dr Hunt’s instructions as closely as possible is one of the key elements of a successful recovery. It is important to remember that each person is different and will heal at a different pace and that is alright. If you educate yourself properly and prepare in advance, you will have a fairly smooth recovery.
Further Reading about Chin Surgery
- Read Dr Hunt’s Chin Surgery page
- Read Dr Hunt’s Chin Augmentation page
- Read Dr Hunt’s Chin Reduction page
- See Dr Hunt’s Real Chin Surgery Patients Before and After Photos
Medical References about Chin Surgery
- Management and avoidance of complications in chin augmentation
- Cheek and Chin Implants to Enhance Facelift Results
- Facial Chin Augmentation
About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon
Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery.
He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing cosmetic and plastic surgery in Sydney.
Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle.
Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.
Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education
Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.
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Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.