How to Get Rid of a Double Chin – What Is Submental Fat ?

How to Get Rid of a Double Chin – What Is Submental Fat ?

Get Rid of Your Double Chin – Surgical and Non-Surgical Solutions for Submental Fat

Submental Fat, associated with a double chin, is a very common cosmetic concern for both men and women. It can occur when a layer of excess fat is formed beneath the chin. There are many causes of double chin, the prime ones include being overweight, ageing and genetics. Dr Jeremy Hunt is one of plastic surgeons in Australia. He has helped hundreds of patients to achieve their aesthetic goals with the help of face, breast surgery or body contouring procedures.

Some Facts about a Double Chin

  • In Australia alone, nearly 60% of women are concerned about having a double chin – This figure is twice as much as those bothered by forehead lines
  • Nearly 40% of men are concerned about their chin profile as well
  • Most of these people fall between the ages of 31 and 60

How Does Submental Fat Impact Your Overall Facial Aesthetic?

A lot of people have a double chin. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with body weight. Ignoring your double chin could lead to sagging skin and the occurrence of wrinkles.

A double chin can make you look older than you are. Similarly, it can impact the look of your jaw. Many people would like to prefer to have a chiselled jawline and a more prominent jaw.


Causes of Submental Fat

A double chin is caused by excess fat underneath the chin. It occurs when an extra layer of fat cells resides underneath the chin. Here are some of the major causes of double chin formation:

1. Ageing

With age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity. When this occurs, your skin can lose the ability to hold submental fat in place. Moreover, the loss of skin elasticity leads to wrinkle formation which can result in the formation of a double chin.

2. Weight Gain

A lot of people end up having a double chin due to excess weight gain. Wrong food choices such as high calorie and processed food options aren’t only bad for your waistline, and health but can also lead to the formation of a double chin.

3. Genetics

Many individuals have a premature double chin due to genetics. There is nothing you can do here. No amount of healthy eating and exercise will eliminate your double chin if it is a result of your genetics. Your underlying neck muscles may be different to others.

4. Poor Posture

Bad posture can weaken the muscles of your neck and chin and might contribute to the formation of a double chin. This is especially true if the skin surrounding your neck begins to lose elasticity and leads to early development of wrinkles.

How to Reduce a Double Chin – at Home Remedies

If your double chin is a result of genetics, there is not much you can do to prevent it other than neck surgery . However, if it isn’t, you can try the following ideas:

1. Double Chin Exercises

Exercise can help you burn extra calories and tone your body. You can also employ the same strategy to your double chin and neck area. Research is still needed to confirm the effectiveness of these exercises. However, it is worth giving a try. The key to seeing results is consistency. You can try the following: tilt your neck backwards and blow a kiss towards the sky, you can also try whistling at the sky, ball squeeze, pouting stretch, lion yawn, or simply chewing the gum can help strengthen the skin surrounding jaw/chin. You have to do these exercises 10 to 15 times a day to see any results.

2. Weight Loss

If your double chin is formed as a result of gaining excess weight, it is time to shed some kg. You are what you eat. Hence, the first step is to make healthier food choices. Limit your calorie intake based on your BMI and incorporate a bit of exercise into your daily routine. It is important to stay hydrated and drink enough water every day while you are trying to shed some extra weight. Do not go for crash diets as they do more harm than good. Instead opt for fruit, vegetables, healthy proteins, fats, and complex carbs. Your face is one of the first places you will notice changes once you start to lose weight. Hence, your double chin would probably be the first to go away although you may be left with excess loose skin.

3. Skincare to Prevent Skin Sagging

High-quality skincare products designed to prevent ageing contain plenty of essential vitamins and extracts that keep the elasticity of the skin and boost collagen production. It can help prevent a double chin to a certain extent especially if it is caused by sagging skin. You can find certain moisturisers that are specially formulated to firm up the neck and chin area.

Similarly, you can find plenty of face masks that aim to achieve similar results. Look for face masks that contain ingredients like glycerine, coffee, green tea, egg whites, honey, and lemon juice masks along with double chin exercises that minimise the fat around the neck and chin area significantly.

4. Applicators, Straps, and Mouthpieces

You can find plenty of applicators, straps, and mouthpieces that are designed to tighten the chin area over time. They can be helpful in burning submental fat when combined with jaw exercises. However, none of these are backed by science and evidence. Though, they are surely worth a try.

Solutions for Submental Fat or a Double Chin – Surgery & Procedures

If you are eating healthy and exercising, using the right skincare, and performing facial exercises but you are unable to get rid of your double chin, it is time to consider cosmetic surgery. There are surgical and non-surgical techniques that will help you get rid of the fat underneath the chin area. Let’s consider:

1. Neck Lift Surgery

Neck Lift Surgery or a Lower Facelift can help improve a double chin or heavy jowls and give you a more defined jawline.

2. Chin Lipo – Submental Liposuction

Submental liposuction is done to eliminate the fat under the chin. Most people associate submental liposuction with a facelift or chin implant. However, it can be performed on its own as well. After the liposuction, your jawline will become more prominent and refined. Once the fat around the neck and underneath the chin will disappear, your jawline can become more prominent and a double chin will be a thing of the past. It is important for the patient to wear a chin strap or a head wrap to tighten the skin underneath the chin to minimise swelling and bruising.

3. Laser Lipolysis & Tightening – Double Chin Treatment

If you want to eliminate a double chin, lipolysis is an option as well. It can melt the fat cells and provide some tightening effect with the help of heat energy that is produced by lasers. The common side effects of the treatment include swelling, bruising, and mild pain. These will subside in a couple of days and you will be able to enjoy your improved look. (NOTE – Dr Hunt’s Clinic does not recommend or offer Laser lipolysis or Tightening devices)

4. Cryolypolisis – Fat Freezing Devices

The idea of cool sculpting is quite different from other treatments mentioned. It focuses on freezing fat cells instead of melting them away. Freezing cells lead to their death and your body naturally gets rid of these cells over time, giving you a more defined jaw and chin. This is typically recommended for patients who have failed to achieve results with any of the other techniques.  (NOTE – Dr Hunt’s Clinic  does NOT offer crylypolysis)

5. Double Chin Injections – Fat Dissolving Injections – The Most Popular Option

Injectable treatments are used to minimise the fat underneath the chin. It can help give you a more defined jawline and a sculpted-looking face. The procedure involves injecting specific acids underneath the chin that naturally reside in your body. These acids are responsible for the breakdown and absorption of fat.

The Science behind Using Fat Dissolving Injections for a Double Chin

The fat injections are injected just below the skin and the muscle. The acid will disrupt the membranes of fat cells which can lead to irreversible cell breakdown. The procedure will result in mild, localised swelling that will resolve within 28 days. The procedure is regarded as a permanent treatment.

How Are Double Chin Injections Performed?

Double injection treatments are tailored as per the needs of the patient. The right course of action will be determined during your consultation. Dr Hunt will evaluate your neck, discuss medical history, and skin elasticity, and look into the amount of fat that resides underneath the chin. An individual with loose skin around the neck won’t be an ideal candidate for the procedure.

Treatment will begin by thoroughly cleansing your neck/chin underneath the chin. The professional injector will begin the procedure by marking your skin for the incision site. She will determine the correct dosage based on each patient. Then, the injections will be administered. After the treatment, ice will be applied to the skin and the injector might ask you to take a pain killer. It is important to stay clear of anti-inflammatory medications/steroids as they can lead to more swelling.

Results and Recovery after Double Chin Injections

The fat cells destroyed during the procedure are eliminated from the body naturally. The procedure is performed in many sessions to achieve optimal results. Results are long-lasting while fat cells can still accumulate under the chin.

The procedure can be accompanied by side effects such as discomfort, bruising, swelling, redness, numbness, itching or prickly sensation. Avoid massaging the treatment site for 72 hours. The fat cells die gradually and the results can become visible in around 6 weeks after the final session. The results will continue to improve over time. Typically, the second appointment is scheduled after 8 weeks.

Cost of Double Chin Injections

The cost of the double chin injections is based on the number of sessions required which will vary for each patient. The price per vial will decrease as the number of vials increase.

Find out more details about the price of non-surgical procedures.

FAQs about Double Chin


Here is a list of frequently asked questions we get regarding the submental fat underneath the chin and double chin treatments:

What are the causes of excess fat underneath the chin?

  • There are many causes of excess fat underneath the chin: ageing, genetics, and excess weight gain. Regardless of the cause, the fat can be eliminated with a combination of diet and exercise. Sometimes, it calls for surgical or non-surgical procedures.

What are double chin fat injections made up of?

  • Double chin fat dissolving injections are usually made up of deoxycholic acid. This acid is naturally found in the body. The injections are meant to destroy fat cells which are later eliminated by our body naturally. Most people will need more than one session to see the desired results.

Can I get rid of my double chin with a combo of diet and lifestyle?

  • You can help get rid of a double chin with a combination of diet and exercise if your double chin is caused by excess weight gain. However, if your weight gain is a result of genetics, working out and losing weight won’t do anything for you.

How many sessions of double chin fat-melting injections will I need?

  • The number of sessions depends on the amount of fat that resides underneath your chin. Typically, most patients will need 2 to 6 sessions that are spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. The results are long-lasting.

Further Reading about Non-Surgical Procedures

Medical References about Double Chin Injections

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon and a member of FRACS & ASPS. He has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If Eyelid Rejuvenation is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

What Are Nasojugal Fat Pads?

What Are Nasojugal Fat Pads?

How to Get Rid of Fat Pads under the Eyes

When the skin under your eyes loses its elasticity, it creates a groove under the eyes and you end up with nasojugal fat pads. The fat pads give you under-eye bags.  Think of them as raised ripples of soft tissue just below the lower eyelid area. Your face can start looking puffier and swollen despite being rested and having a normal weight.

The condition can make your face look worse if you have dark circles. This is due to the fact that dark circles enhance the appearance of nasojugal fat pads and they become the first thing people see when they look at you.

Your face looks tired 24/7 and that is not a very pleasant look. Luckily, there are multiple cosmetic options available to correct the condition and give you a refreshed appearance.

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeons helping hundreds of patients to achieve their aesthetic goals with the help of face or body contouring procedures.

Causes of Nasojugal Fat Pads

Let’s have a closer look at a few of the possible causes of nasojugal fat pad formation. While you can’t always prevent them, it is good to be aware of what causes them:

·       Ageing

With age, the skin and muscles on our face and body tend to become weaker and weaker. As the skin loses its elasticity and tonus, the elastin and collagen production is also decreased. The skin under your eyes is very sensitive and thin as compared to the rest of your face. Hence, the fat finds its way through weaker muscles as well as skin and ends accumulating in the area between your eyes and nose. This results in the formation of nasojugal fat pads.

·       Sleep Problems

With modern-day lifestyles, some of us find it difficult to properly sleep and rest. Prolonged lack of rest or sleep can weaken the skin and muscles while accelerating the breakdown of collagen and preventing the formation of new collagen. After a while, the fat and fluids tend to accumulate under the eyes which leads to the formation of nasojugal fat pads.

·       Allergies

Allergies do play a role when it comes to nasojugal fat pads. Most allergies will lead to a stuffy nose and swelling in the sinus tissues. As a result, the fat can accumulate in the space between your eyes and nose, resulting in nasojugal fat pads.

·       Smoking

We all know that smoking is harmful to your overall health and your skin. It breaks down the collagen and elastin in your face, making your skin loose and saggy. Smokers generally have a difficult time sleeping, leading to prominent nasojugal fat pads.

·       Alcohol

Alcohol dehydrates your body and makes the skin under your eyes appear dry and saggy. Chronic alcohol consumption is linked with prominent under-eye bags. Try cutting out alcohol and you might notice a difference in how your face looks.

·       Heavy Makeup

If you are a fan of wearing heavy makeup every single day, it can damage the delicate skin under your eyes. A lot of people do not completely remove the makeup from their faces which worsens the problem.  In the long run, it can lead to the formation of Nasojugal fat pads.

·       Genetics

Sometimes you have just your genes to blame. If your parents have under-eye bags, chances are you will have fat pads too. There is nothing much you can do in this regard.


Preventing Nasojugal Fat Pads

There are times when you can’t do anything to prevent nasojugal fat pads especially if they are caused by genetics. However, sometimes prevention is effective. Let’s discuss some of the best preventative measures to try:

·       Neti Pot

Individuals who use neti pots report that they see a huge improvement in the appearance of their dark circles and under eye puffiness. For those of you who aren’t familiar with neti pot, it is essentially filled with a saltwater solution which helps with the removal of mucus and debris and prevents the formation of nasojugal fat pads.

·       Tea Bags

You can try placing caffeinated tea bags under the eyes to tighten the skin and improve blood circulation. This can prevent the accumulation of fat in the nasojugal area.

·       Cold Compresses

I am sure you have all heard of using a cold compress to prevent puffiness under the eyes. You can use a cold spoon, ice wrapped in a soft cloth, under eye rollers placed in the refrigerator or any cold object of your choice. The cold temperature helps constrict the blood vessels and brings immense relief to the tired eyes while minimising under eye puffiness. This is also quite relaxing even if it doesn’t prevent the formation of nasojugal fat in the long run.

·       Keep Yourself Hydrated

Nearly 70% of your body is made up of water. Dehydration is one of the major causes of all beauty problems including under-eye bags and the formation of nasojugal fat pads. Keep yourself hydrated and drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.

·       Sunscreen to the Rescue

If you spend a lot of time outdoors, this can damage your skin which eventually leads to the formation of under-eye bags, dark circles, and nasojugal fat pads. Hence, invest in good quality sunscreen and apply it religiously. Make sure to reapply it if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors. While we are on the subject of sun protection, wear a hat and sunglasses whenever possible.

·       Remove Your Makeup Properly

Some women really enjoy the process of doing makeup but aren’t fans of removing it. Make sure to cleanse and wash your face thoroughly before going to bed. Sleeping with waterproof mascara on can lead to irritation of the eyes and infection. Moreover, makeup can accelerate the ageing process of your skin while enhancing oxidative stress.

·       Keep Your Head Elevated

While sleeping, try to lie down on your back and use an extra pillow to keep your head elevated. Some people also use wedges to stay more comfortable. It also prevents fat and fluids from accumulating in the lower lids which results in the formation of nasojugal fat pads.

Treating Nasojugal Fat Pads

Treating Nasojugal fat pads isn’t simple. What might work for one person might not work for another and vice versa. Here are some of the most popular options for treating nasojugal fat pads:

1.     Antihistamines

Sometimes a simple treatment does the job. If your under-eye bags are formed as a result of allergies, your doctor might prescribe you Antihistamines to treat the underlying condition. Some OTC drugs used for the treatment include Benadryl, Zyrtec, and Claritin. However, it is better to consult a healthcare professional prior to taking any of these medications.

These medications are meant to be taken whenever you experience allergy symptoms. The first step is to spot your allergen. Some people are allergic to certain types of foods, others to dust, pollen, paints, you name it. It is important to visit a healthcare professional and get the necessary tests done to identify the allergen. Based on the test results, your doctor might recommend a short-term or a long-term treatment plan. The treatment plan varies from pills, yearly shots, or immune therapy.

2.     Retinol Cream

Retinol is one of the best ingredients that can correct your skin problems. Use under eye creams that have retinol as their main ingredient. Retinol is essential for the production of collagen. You can start with any drugstore product of your choice. If your nasojugal fat pads are advanced, you might need a prescription-based retinol cream to make a difference.

This is definitely the easiest thing to try out of the list. It is important to note that you cannot use retinol-based products while you are pregnant or lactating. For some people, retinol can cause dryness and skin flaking. If it is your first time using a retinol-based cream, try choosing one with a low concentration of retinol. Use it on every alternate day in the beginning. In the morning, make sure to apply sunscreen and use a rich moisturiser to prevent flaking.

Please note that it will take some time for you to see results and not all people will be able to get rid of under eye bags with a help of a cream. However, it is worth giving a shot.

3.     Blepharoplasty

When it comes to surgical procedures, lower eyelid blepharoplasty is probably the best option to eliminate lower nasojugal fat pads. The procedure involves lifting the lower eyelid area and eliminating excess tissues under the eyes. Many techniques are used for the correction of progressive fat atrophy in the lower lid and nasojugal groove area.

How is Blepharoplasty performed?

  • Clean Up

Even when you come to the appointment with a clean face, the staff will clean and sanitise your face one last time to ensure it is free from dirt and makeup.

  • Anaesthesia

The first step is the administration of anaesthesia so you won’t experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Most patients are given a choice between local and general anaesthesia.

  • The Incision

Then comes the most important part of the surgery -the incision. Dr Hunt will try to make the incisions in a way that they are concealed within the natural structures of the eyelid area. The incision for lower eyelid surgery is typically made just below the lower lash line. With this incision, Dr Hunt will reposition and tighten muscles underneath the skin and remove excess skin. In some cases, a trans conjunctival incision is performed.

  • Closing Up the Incisions

Once everything is in place, Dr Hunt will close the incisions with the help of sutures or skin glue. Typically, absorbable sutures are used. If not, the stitches will be removed within a week. In certain cases, Dr Hunt recommends opting for a laser or a peel to minimise the discolouration on the lower eyelid once you are fully healed.

  • Results of the Procedure

You won’t be able to see the results immediately after the surgery. It is important to wait for the swelling and bruising to fade away before you see the results. All in all, your nasojugal fat pads will disappear and you will have a more alert, refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

4.     Microneedling

Microneedling, commonly known as collagen induction therapy can work wonders in preventing the appearance of nasojugal fat pads. The skin tightens as a result of increased collagen production. As a result, the fat stays in place.

Microneedling involves creating microscopic injuries in the skin with the help of a micro-needling device. It triggers the natural production of collagen and makes your skin appear tighter and plumper. You might need a couple of treatments to see a major improvement. The best part about micro-needling treatment is that the results will continue to improve for up to a year after the last treatment.

5.     Injectable Fillers

This is more of a temporary yet still a very popular solution for the elimination of nasojugal fat pads. Fillers are injected under the eyes to make the transition from fat pads to cheek smooth and soft. The procedure is quick, non-invasive and very comfortable. The results last anywhere from 6 to 12 months. You can get this procedure done during your lunch break as it will only take around 10 to 15 minutes and there is no recovery time involved.

Further Reading about Non-Surgical Procedures

Medical References about Nasojugal Fat Pads

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon

Dr Jeremy Hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery.

He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing cosmetic and plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his guidance, can achieve good results.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If Eyelid Rejuvenation is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

What Is the Ideal Female Jawline?

What Is the Ideal Female Jawline?

 What Is an Ideal Female Jawline? – Anatomy of an Attractive Female Face –

People say that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Is it subjective or is there a science behind the concept of beauty? Many research studies show that beauty is objective and is perceived with remarkable similarity in many individuals. For the past two decades, scientists have paid close attention to what makes a female jawline look more beautiful.

Dr Maryam Seyedabadi is a plastic surgeon with extensive training in aesthetic surgery. Her experience allows her to correct jaw abnormalities while achieving good cosmetic results.

Dr Jeremy Hunt is one of the plastic surgeons in Australia. He has helped thousands of patients to achieve their aesthetic goals with the help of face or body contouring procedures.

Studies Linking Facial Geometry with Attractiveness

Many facial aesthetics studies show a link between the geometrical boundaries of a woman’s face and their overall facial beauty. There are pre-determined definitions of a beautiful face, despite the wide range of natural diversity that is part of facial structure.

Geometric Morphometry is a technique that can be used to analyse the skeletal face. It suggests an ideal facial shape with a mathematical approach and uses vectors to account for variations in the facial aesthetic structure. The studies show a direct measure of ideals, feminine traits, and dimorphism.

Facial Attractiveness is also based on sexual dimorphism. Possessing feminine facial geometrical features that are in contrast with ideal male geometrical features is an inherent quality of attractive women. The lateral view of the face is very important when it comes to overall attractiveness as compared to the frontal view. This is because the frontal view is mainly determined by skin texture.


Anatomical Measurements of the lower face and jaw

In men and women, jaw angle or the angle of the jaw typically differs by 2-3 degrees. In men, the average angle is 128 degrees while it is 126 degrees in women. This means it is relatively constant. However, the angles can vary slightly within the same gender. Ethnic differences apply too.

Jaw width is a highly variable feature when it comes to precise geometric measurements. No literature specifies a quantitative measure for analysing the beauty of a woman’s face in terms of a specific jaw width. That is the reason, plastic surgeons and aestheticians don’t aim for a specific jaw width when it comes to aesthetic manipulation of the jaw. The focus is primarily on the angle and the contour of the jaw.

It is important to remember that large variations in jaw dimensions aren’t considered a very attractive feature. Similarly, jaw protrusion and increased width can distract from other facial features.

Factors that Determine the Ideal Female Jawline

Any form of jaw surgery is done based on what is aesthetically pleasing for the patient and what is realistically achievable. This common ground is established between the surgeon and the patient during the consultation. There are times when the patient’s vision doesn’t match the view of the surgeon. In such instances, having adequate knowledge of ideal female facial anatomy is very useful. It is important to note that to date there isn’t any consensus on ideal parameters for perfect feminine beauty.

All the studies done on female facial attractiveness and dimensions vary greatly in terms of their findings, ethnicity, and geography. Due to this large variation, the perceptions of any ideal woman’s jawline vary considerably. Eventually, it all comes down to a mutual understanding between you and your surgeon if you are planning to get a surgical procedure to enhance your jaw.

Jaw Angle and Attractiveness – What makes an attractive female jawline?

There are certain studies that claim having an obtuse angle jawline combined with a contoured mandible makes your jaw look highly attractive. In layman’s terms, picture the jaw of Angelina Jolie.  Some other studies found that a narrow-angle jawline is considered a highly attractive feature in women. This is true for people of Asian descent where a V-shaped jawline is very popular and is considered to be the ultimate measure of beauty. That is the reason why the internet is flooded with tips and tricks to achieve a slim V-shaped jawline. A slimmer jawline in women is considered to be a sign of attractiveness as compared to a square jawline. This look can be enhanced with facial filler contouring or even makeup tricks like shading

Lateral View of the Jaw is important

Apart from the angle from the frontal view, the angle of the lateral view is also incredibly important for overall facial aesthetics. Jaw protrusion and retrusion also play a big role. Through many studies, researchers have determined that protrusion of the jaw that is more than 6 mm or retrusion of the jaw that is more than 10 mm is deemed highly unattractive.

Jaw Slimming and Contouring Procedures

V-line Jaw Slimming is one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures. There are both surgical and non-surgical options available to achieve the ideal results. A very popular treatment choice is the use of anti-wrinkle injections that essentially work by decreasing the power and effect of specific injected muscles, thus creating a decrease in the bulk and size of that muscle. When injected into specific muscle groups it can achieve a slimmer jawline. The treatment works by paralysing the facial muscle for a couple of months to achieve the desired aesthetic result.

Another option is to choose jaw surgery. Jaw slimming surgery is performed by removing a part of the mandible to minimise the width of the jaw. The goal of the surgery is to achieve a better-looking lateral and frontal facial profile. Mandible contouring also is done alongside resection to improve facial aesthetics by carving out a slimmer jawline.

The Concept of the Golden Ratio and Facial Beauty

Regardless of the type of facial beauty, you are attracted to, there is a golden ratio or symmetrical lines in the face that have been shown to capture attention. If you are not familiar with the concept, it is a standard mathematical way to measure the proportions of your face. It measures the ratio between one facial feature distance as compared to another – the golden ratio is 1.618. If the measurements of a particular face come close to the golden ratio, your face will look more attractive and balanced. For example, a strong female jawline complements strong cheekbones and makes your facial symmetry fall in line with the golden ratio. It is this same golden ratio that is the foundation for assessing and achieving nasal proportion in rhinoplasty.

How to Get a Stronger Female Jawline Definition

There are many ways to achieve a better jawline. The procedures can vary from simple non-surgical injectables to chin implants surgery. For instance, there are times when patients only need a chin implant to alter the look of their jaw.The chin implant can make a major difference in the appearance of your face and jawline. Most patients can have a sleek, strong, and chiselled profile after the surgery. In some cases, the buccal fat pad is removed to create further definition. It creates a hollowness below the cheekbones and further enhances your jawline.

Anti-wrinkle injections is also another great option to achieve a more feminine jawline or profile in patients who have square faces. Injecting this substance to the masseters can work for people with a squarer face shape. Enhancing the cheekbones with filler or fat injections along with anti-wrinkle injections in the jaw can create a more feminine facial profile.

Not one size fits all when it comes to achieving a perfect jaw. Sometimes, the removal of sagging jowls is all that is needed to achieve a better looking jaw. This can be done with the help of a facelift/neck lift. The facial surgery can help eliminate sagging skin along with a double chin, imparting more definition to your jaw and leading to a healthier appearance.

If you want to enhance the look of your face by refining your jaw, the first step is to book a consultation with Dr Hunt or Dr Maryam. It will give you a chance to discuss your options and choose the most suitable treatment.

Non-Surgical Options for Achieving a better Female Jawline

Non-surgical options are ideal for people who wish to make mild to moderate changes to their jaw and are ok with touch-ups every few months. Some of the most commonly used treatment options include neurotoxins, fat-melting injectables, surgical threads and dermal fillers.  Let’s discuss these options briefly:

1.     Dermal Fillers for Facial Contouring / Slimming

When dermal fillers are injected into the jawline, it can enhance the mandible along with the bony angle of the jaw. It works best for patients who need minimal adjustments to their jaw and doesn’t require any major changes. Patients typically need 1 to 4 syringes of dermal filler based on their current facial anatomy and their desired aesthetic result. The results of the treatment are almost immediately visible and can last for around 6 to 12 months based on the type of filler used.

2.     Neurotoxin to Enhance Jaw

Muscle relaxing injections can be performed directly into the masseter muscles. It can help to slim down your jaw and overall face shape and gives you a much-hyped, ‘V-Shaped’ jawline. You can feel your masseter muscles by clenching your teeth and feeling for a slight bulge where your jaw ends. Thinning out these muscles can require variable doses to see visible results. The results can last for 3 to 4 months. After that, you will need to get the treatment redone.

3.     Kybella to Eliminate Fat / Double Chin

If you have excess fat underneath your chin area which makes your jaw appear wobbly and not so defined, Kybella injections are an option. During the treatment, deoxycholic acid injections are injected underneath your chin which essentially kills fat cells that will be gradually eliminated by your body over the next few months. Most patients typically need 1 to 6 vials of Kybella for best results. While patients need multiple sessions to see results, the final results are regarded as permanent.  You may also consider submental liposuction as a treatment for a fat double chin or heavy jowls. Read our blog on How to Get Rid of a Double Chin – What Is Submental Fat?

4.     Surgical Threads can Counter Loose Skin

In some cases, patients lack definition in the jaw area due to excess loose skin. Surgical threads can be used to tighten the skin around your jowls. Most patients need 4 to 8 threads based on how large their jowls are and how much excess skin they have. The results will generally last for 6 to 12 months. If you have a lot of excess loose skin then a lower facelift or neck lift may be a more suitable treatment.

Surgical Options for Achieving an Ideal Female Jawline and Profile

Surgical options are generally recommended for people with moderate to a large amount of fat or excess loose skin surrounding the neck and jaw area. Typically, neck lift and liposuction are used to achieve the desired results. In some cases, radiofrequency energy technology may be used.

1.     Neck Liposuction – Submental Liposuction

If you have fat around your neck and jaw, neck liposuction is the choice of treatment for achieving a slimmer and more defined jawline. Based on the lipo technology used, most surgeons will opt for some gentle skin tightening along with fat removal to achieve the best results. The results of the treatment are considered long-lasting as the fat is physically removed.

2.     Neck Lift Surgery

During the neck lift surgery, Your surgeon will make incisions behind your ear, near your ear, and underneath your chin. They will lift up the skin to reveal your neck muscles along with the fat and supporting structures on your neck. The results of the neck lift are significant as it simultaneously works on the skin, fat, muscles and salivary glands in one go. The final outcome will typically last for many years.

3.     Radiofrequency Energy Devices

It is definitely a less common option but surgeons and doctors still do it in some cases. The radiofrequency energy will tighten your loose skin in the neck area and is sometimes used along with neck liposuction. Dr Hunt does not offer these devices as past results have been unreliable and not worth it for patients having the treatment done.

Further Reading about Non-Surgical Procedures for Female Jawline enhancement

Medical References about Facial Attractiveness and an Ideal Female Jawline

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery in Australia.

He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If Eyelid Rejuvenation is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

Lip Flip vs Lip Filler

Lip Flip vs Lip Filler

Differences between a Lip Flip and a Lip Filler for Lip Enhancement Sydney

With ageing, your lips can start losing their definition and fine lines can form around the edges. Lip flip and lip filler procedures can help restore the beauty of your lips.  A Lip flip and lip filler are totally different procedures, so you need to know the difference between the procedures to get the desirable results. The lip filler procedure is recommended if you want to augment the size of the lips and can also change their shape, providing fuller luscious lips.

For more details about the lip flip or other lip enhancement procedures, contact the team at Dr Jeremy Hunt, a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with cosmetic clinics in Sydney and Wollongong NSW.

What is a Lip Flip?

A Lip flip is a new procedure in which cosmetic injections of botulinum toxin are used on the lips. These injections can relax the nerves of orbicularis muscles which are in the upper lip. The procedure allows the upper lip to ‘flip’ outward and provide fullness. The procedure is suitable for you if your upper lip is smaller than your lower. A Lip flip is helpful to reduce a gummy smile.

How is the Lip Flip Performed?

2 to 3 days before the procedure you need to avoid drinking alcohol or taking blood thinner. The procedure takes up to 10 minutes. Usually, the injecting nurse will not use anaesthesia because the procedure is not painful. The nurse injects the substance to relax the muscle and create the flip effect.

Pros of Lip Flip:

  • A Lip flip procedure is an efficient procedure for lip enhancement
  • The procedure is recommended for those who have gummy smiles
  • A Lip flip can take up to 10 minutes
  • The treatment is less costly as compared with lip filler
  • There is no downtime after the lip flip procedure, so you can start your normal routine after the completion of the treatment
  • You can see the significant results within 1 to 2 days and can lasts up to 8 to 12 weeks


Cons of Lip Flip:

  • The results of lip flip don’t last as long as the results of lip filler
  • You may feel numbness and swell on the treated area after the treatment

How Long Do the Results Last?

Lip flip results are not permanent and last up to 2 to 3 months. When you notice that your lip flip results are wearing off, you should consult your injector. You need a touch-up treatment to maintain the results.

Potential Complications after Lip Flip:

There are usually no complications after the lip flip, but you may experience minor side effects. They can include:

  • Bruising
  • Swelling

What Is a Lip Filler?

tear trough filler sydney - lip enhancement Dr Jeremy Hunt top Plastic surgeon NSW

Lip fillers are injections with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is naturally formed in our body that can be helpful to provide volume and restore moisture to the skin. Fillers are injected into the Vermillion border of the lip to increase volume. It can be an effective procedure to get soft, poutier, and fuller lips. Lip filler also fills in the lines around the lips to smooth the appearance of the skin.

Lip Filler Procedure:

During the lip filler procedure, the nurse injector may apply topical anaesthesia to numb your lips. The procedure may take at least 30 minutes. The injector may use thin needles to inject the hyaluronic acid filler into the lips. Lip filler can be injected in all areas of lips including vermillion border, corners of your mouth, and Cupid’s bow. During this process, you do not feel any pain but you might experience a pinching sensation. The injector might also apply ice packs during the process to minimise the swelling and bruising.

Pros of Lip Filler:

  • Lip filler can provide longer-lasting results – up to one year
  • The chances of allergic reactions are very low
  • You can notice the results of lip fillers immediately
  • Fillers can be helpful to make your lips plumper and smooth the lines around the lips
  • The treatment has a short downtime
  • The lip volume depends on how much hyaluronic acid gel is injected into your lips and can be controlled by your injector

Cons of Lip Filler:

  • The Lip filler procedure is more expensive than lip flip
  • You may experience some side effects but they do not last for a longer period

How Long Does Lip Filler Result Last?

You can see immediate results after lip filler treatment. The results will last up to one year and you can talk to your surgeon about the touch-up procedure.

Potential Risks and Complications after Lip Filler:

After lip filler, you may experience the following side effects.

  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Tenderness
  • Mild pain
  • Swelling and inflammation

How Can I Choose between Lip Flip and Lip Filler?

Lip flip is used to reshape and lip filler is used to enhance the volume of the lips. You can consult your injector and he will tell you which is better for you. If you want to get more volume to the lips then you can choose lip filler treatment. If you are satisfied with the volume of your lips and want to add a bit of projection on your lips, so the lip flip is the right option for you.

Combination of Lip Flip and Lip Filler:

If you want to enhance the volume and control the shape of your lips, then you can combine both lip flip as well as lip filler procedures. The combination procedure can give optimal results. During this process, the lip flip can define the shape of your Cupid’s bow while lip filler can enhance the volume of the lips.

FAQs about Lip Enhancement

Lip Flip VS Lip Filler FAQs Lip Enhancement Sydney Dr Hunt

Is lip flip more effective than lip filler?

  • The lip flip is an effective procedure to enhance the natural shape of your lips. The procedure is considered efficient for lip enhancement. A Lip flip is a different procedure than lip filler, but lip flip is less expensive as compared with lip filler.  A Lip flip also accentuates the results of the lip filler process.

Does lip flip make your lips appear bigger?

  • Lip flips contain botulinum toxin which relaxes your upper lip and it points upward. The procedure does not make your look appear fuller, it is used to adjust the shape of the lips.

What is the aftercare of lip flip?

  • After lip flip, you should not do exercise for at least 24 hours. Then, you may experience a small bump at the injection sites, so you can apply a wrapped ice pack on it. You should avoid sleeping face down after the treatment for some days.

At what age can you start getting lip flips?

  • Lip flip is approved for people who are 18 years or older. Most injectors agree to perform lip flips o people who are in their 20s and 30s.

Does lip flip change the smile?

  • The lip flip can make your lips fuller, and poutier and also add more definition to the upper lip. So, it can show relaxed fullness during a smile and change the shape of your natural smile.

How do I maintain the results of a lip flip?

  • Lip flip is an effective procedure that gives your lips a poutier appearance. During this procedure, the injector injects botulinum toxin into the top of your upper lip. For maintenance, you need to get touch-up treatment after every 2 to 4 months.

Do my lips look natural after a lip flip?

  • During the lip flip procedure, your surgeon injects botulinum toxin into the upper lips. After some days, the injections make your lips appear fuller and poutier. Lip flip looks more natural as compared with lip filler.

Do my lips go back to normal after a lip filler?

  • Since lip filler is a temporary procedure, so it can dissolve in your body and your lips look normal. The speed of absorbing the hyaluronic acid gel depends on the metabolism and lips return to the normal volume after the hyaluronic acid is completely dissolved.

How can I tell if my friend has lip filler?

  • If you are familiar with the face of the person, you may notice the prominent enhancement in lip size. You may also notice swelling on the lips area which is common due to lip filler treatment. If you have seen a minor bruising on the lips of your friend, there is a chance that he/she may get lip filler.

Does my lip volume reduce if I stop lip fillers?

Does lip filler cause pain?

  • Lip filler is a procedure that does not cause pain.

Can I get a combined treatment of lip filler and lip flip?

  • Yes, you can get combined treatment of lip filler and lip flip at the same time. These two treatments have different primary ingredients, in other words, hyaluronic acid is used in lip filler while botulinum toxin is used in lip flip. Therefore, you can get lip filler and lip flip treatment at the same time but injections target different areas of the lips.

Does lip filler last longer than normal the second time?

  • The longevity of the lip filler depends on the types of filler that are used for the treatment. Often, injectors may use hyaluronic acid filler which lasts up to 6 to 18 months. In some cases, the time period may be a little bit longer or shorter.

Does the injector use anaesthesia on your lips before lip fillers?

  • The injector may apply numbing cream or topical anaesthesia to the lips before the lip filler treatment. It takes at least 30 minutes to start working.

What is better – lip flip or lip filler for my lips?

  • Lip flip and lip filler are two different procedures and are used for different purposes. If you have thinner lips or you may notice a loss of volume, you should get a lip filler. If you are not satisfied with your lip shape or have dynamic wrinkles due to muscle movement, a lip flip is the suitable option for you.

What is the aftercare for lip filler?

  • You should avoid getting facial massage or microdermabrasion after Lip Filler. Additionally, excessive exposure to sunlight may cause redness, swelling, or bruising around the treated area.

 Further Reading about Lip Flip and Lip Filler

Medical References – Lip Flip & Lip Filler

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breastbodyface and nose surgery in Australia. He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his guidance, can achieve good results.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of ASPS – the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If breast reduction is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.


Smokers Lines – How to get rid of Upper Lip Lines & Wrinkles

Smokers Lines – How to get rid of Upper Lip Lines & Wrinkles

Solutions for Upper Lip Wrinkles and Vertical Lip Lines

Smokers lines, or lip lines, refer to wrinkles that occur between your nose and upper lip. Several factors can lead to the development of this facial concern but it is most likely caused by the age-related decline in essential skin proteins such as collagen and elastin. Collagen is essential for maintaining the structures of your skin while elastin provides elasticity. With decreased production of these proteins, wrinkles start to get more prominent in your upper lip and other facial areas.

While smokers’ lines are harmless, they can make you look older and tired. To address this condition, there are certain cosmetic procedures available that you can choose from. Professional Skin Care products can also help prevent early wrinkles and slow the ageing process.


Dr Jeremy Hunt is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon with cosmetic clinics in Sydney and Wollongong NSW. He has performed hundreds of facial rejuvenating procedures in over 20 years of practice. His nurse injectors and clinic team offer a variety of solutions for upper lip wrinkles and smokers lines.

What are Smokers lines?

  • Smoker’s lines, or lip lines, refer to tiny wrinkles that occur between your nose and upper lip and are commonly caused by ageing. They appear as a set of fine vertical lines that often stretch from one side of your mouth to the other. Sometimes, they can appear darker and deeper making them more pronounced. While these lines are harmless and do not produce any physical discomfort, they can negatively affect your appearance by making you look older or tired. They are difficult to conceal but there are various treatment options that you can undergo.

What Causes Smokers Lines?

The most common causes of smokers’ lines are the following:

  • Age-related decrease in the production of collagen and elastin
  • Dental problems or issues
  • Genetics
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Repetitive facial movements or gestures
  • Smoking
  • Volume loss

What is the optimal treatment for smokers lines?

  • This will greatly depend on a number of factors such as your lip condition, desired results, and preferences of the practitioner. During your facial consultation, your general health and expectations will be assessed to determine the right treatment option specific to your needs. Some patients will prefer a series of less invasive treatments that have minimal downtime, but will achieve the outcome in the longer term while others will prefer a single treatment option that has a longer downtime. The preferred treatment choice needs to be tailored to your needs, expectations, and ability to accommodate downtime.

Popular Solutions for Smokers Lines

If you have upper lip wrinkles or smokers lines, you may benefit from the following treatments:

1. Anti-Wrinkle Injections

This treatment makes use of a neuromodulator, a substance that relaxes the tiny muscles of your face by inhibiting signal transmission in the area. Without the signals, the muscles cannot contract and will start to relax. As a result, the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced. Anti-wrinkle injections can help smooth out smokers’ lines by relaxing the muscle of your upper lip. Anti-wrinkle injections can also prevent new wrinkles from forming and reduce the worsening of existing wrinkles. The treatment can address fine lines and wrinkles in the different parts of your body such as your eyebrow, forehead, nose, mouth, lips, cheeks, and neck. After the treatment, you can resume your work and daily activities but you need to wait 4-10 days for the results to become noticeable. The duration of the results of the treatment can last around 3-4 months so you will need another session to maintain your lips.

best treatment for smokers lines around mouth - Lip Lines Injectables - Dr Jeremy Hunt Top Plastic Surgeon Sydney

2. Dermal Fillers

This treatment makes use of a naturally-occurring substance in your body that is essential for keeping your skin hydrated. When injected into the area where smokers’ lines are located, the substance literally fills in the area and draws water. As a result, the treated area becomes more voluminous and fuller. This significantly reduces the appearance of a broad range of skin conditions such as fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and depressions in the treated area. Dermal fillers produce immediate results and can add volume and fullness to different body areas such as your brows, cheeks, forehead, hands, jaw, lips, mouth, temples, and under-eye area. The results of dermal fillers can last from six months up to a year depending on the type of filler, skin condition, and skincare regimen. While the treatment can help restore lost volume and fullness to the target area, you will need to undergo touch-treatments once the signs of ageing start to reappear.

best treatment for smokers lines around mouth - how to get rid of lip lines - Lip Injecting sydney - Dr Jeremy Hunt Leading Face Surgeon

3. Chemical Peel

A chemical peel is a procedure that involves the removal of the top layer of your skin so that new, healthier skin cells replace the old and damaged cells, new skin. The treatment can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in your upper lip. It can also address other skin concerns such as acne scars, age spots, dark spots, freckles, rough skin, and sun-damaged skin. Depending on the type of chemical peel, you can expect the results to last 2-6 months. There are 3 types of chemical peel: 1. Light chemical peel (removes outer skin layer), 2. Medium chemical peel (removes skin cells from the middle skin layer), and 3. Deep chemical peel (removes skin cells from the deeper skin layer). After the treatment, visible skin peeling is normal and is part of your body’s natural skin rejuvenation process. Once the treated area has completely healed, your skin will appear, smoother, radiant, and healthier.

4. Laser Resurfacing

This treatment is a facial rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a laser to improve the appearance of your skin. Laser resurfacing can be done using an ablative laser which removes the thin outer layer of your skin while heating the underlying skin. Laser resurfacing can also be performed using a non-wounding laser known as a nonablative laser. This decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in your upper lip area by stimulating the growth of collagen and elastin. Laser skin resurfacing can also be performed to treat other skin concerns such as age spots, uneven skin tone or texture, sun-damaged skin, and mild to moderate acne scars. After the treatment, your skin will appear swollen and can become itchy but this can be easily managed by the application of a special ointment.

5. Dermabrasion 

This is a skin-resurfacing procedure that makes use of a rotating instrument to remove the outer layer of your skin. During the procedure, you usually have local anaesthesia or sedation to minimise discomfort. Once your skin is numb, the practitioner will scrape away the outermost layer of your skin using a rapidly rotating instrument until the safest level that will reduce wrinkles is reached. After the procedure, the treated area will be covered with a moist dressing to protect it. The treated area will likely appear reddish and swollen after the treatment and you will feel some burning, tingling, or aching. After a week, the swelling will resolve but you will need to wait 3 months to see the final results of the procedure. Once the treated area starts to heal, you will notice that your skin becomes healthier, smoother, radiant, and tighter. The results of dermabrasion can last more than a month.

6. Microneedling CIT – Dermapen or Skin Pen

This is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, dark spots, large pores, stretch marks, and sun-damaged skin. Also known as CIT collagen induction therapy, microneedling works by stimulating the production of more collagen in the treated area. During the procedure, the practitioner makes small pricks under your skin using a pen-like device. This technique stimulates the body’s natural wound healing process and results in the production of new collagen-rich tissue. A numbing cream is usually applied before the procedure so you will feel less discomfort. Depending on the area being treated, the entire procedure usually takes 30 minutes to complete. After the procedure, you may experience skin irritation and redness within the first few days but this is normal as your skin undergoes the regeneration process. You may resume your daily activities after the procedure but you will need to wear sunscreen as your healing skin will become more sensitive to the sun. The final results of microneedling usually become noticeable after 4-6 weeks. This is the time required for your body to produce new, strong, healthy collagen.

7. PRP Injections – Platelet-Rich Plasma

This procedure makes use of a portion of your own blood known as platelets to promote soft tissue healing. Use of a platelet-rich plasma mimics your body’s natural response to injury by activating the platelets. After being processed in the laboratory, the activated platelets are prepared and injected into the damaged or abnormal tissue. This in turn stimulates the release of substances that are necessary for wound healing known as growth factors. These growth factors stimulate increased blood flow to the target area. In addition, the treatment stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the injected areas. As a result, your skin undergoes a regenerative process that eliminates or improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Because the treatment uses your own blood to rejuvenate your skin, it produces natural-looking results with a lower risk of complications. Platelet-rich plasma therapy can be used for all skin types. After 6-9 months, you may need another treatment.

Smokers Lines FAQs

Do Lip smokers lines go away?

  • Smokers’ lines do not go away on their own. They result from the age-related decline in collagen and elastin in your body. Even if you stop smoking and change your lifestyle, the appearance of smokers’ lines will not be significantly reduced. Fortunately, there are various treatment options for these lines.

How do I get rid of deep lines around my mouth?

Deep lines around your mouth can be addressed by non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, microneedling, and platelet-rich plasma therapy. For severe cases of skin sagging, you may need facelift surgery.

How do I prevent Smokers Lines from occurring?

It is difficult to prevent smokers lines but you can help delay the appearance of deep lines around your mouth by:

  • Avoiding prolonged sun exposure
  • Avoiding sleeping on your chest
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Avoiding squinting
  • Avoiding stressful situations
  • Eating foods that are rich in antioxidants such as green, leafy vegetables
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water and fluids
  • Using moisturisers

Can you reverse wrinkles from smoking?

  • Both age-related wrinkles and wrinkles caused by smoking cannot be reversed naturally. If you are a smoker, you are prone to getting wrinkles at an early age compared to non-smokers. This is because cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals that can deprive your skin of oxygen and other essential nutrients via vasoconstriction, a process wherein the opening of blood vessels becomes narrow. As a result, blood flow within the blood vessel is impaired and the transport of oxygen and nutrients are affected. In addition, the chemicals in cigarettes also trigger the destruction of the skin’s essential proteins known as collagen and elastin. This is the reason why most smokers appear pale and have uneven skin tone. While wrinkles from smoking cannot be reversed, non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, microneedling, and platelet-rich plasma therapy can help reduce their appearance.

What is the optimal treatment for vertical lip lines?

  • The right treatment for vertical lip lines will depend on your lip condition, desired results, and preferences of the practitioner. Depending on the severity of wrinkling, you may need non-surgical cosmetic treatments for mild wrinkling while lip surgery may be required for severe skin wrinkling or ageing. During your consultation, your general health and expectations will be carefully assessed to create a customised treatment plan.

How can I reduce smokers’ lips?

  • The appearance of smokers’ lips can be reduced by undergoing non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, microneedling, and platelet-rich plasma therapy. The ideal treatment for smokers lips will depend on the severity of wrinkling and your desired results. This will be discussed during your consultation.

Can Smokers lines be fixed?

  • There are non-surgical methods to fix smokers lines such as anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, dermabrasion, microneedling, and platelet-rich plasma therapy. Your practitioner will thoroughly assess your health history and expectations during the consultation period to create a treatment plan that will suit your needs.

Further Reading about Surgical and Non-surgical procedures for facial concerns

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt leading face surgeon

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breastbodyface and nose surgery in Australia. He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his guidance, can achieve good results.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of ASPS – the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If breast reduction is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

Lip Filler Aftercare – Tips after Lip Injections

Lip Filler Aftercare – Tips after Lip Injections

Things to Avoid after Lip Injections – The Dos & Don’ts of Lip Injections

Lip fillers are designed to add volume and fullness to your lips. As one of the most popular dermal fillers, they can give your lips a plumper appearance without the need for a long recovery time. Find out more about the tips for lip filler aftercare from Dr Jeremy Hunt Specialist Plastic Surgeon with cosmetic clinics in Sydney and Wollongong NSW.

As you get old, your lips lose volume due to the decline in collagen and elastin.

If you are considering lip plumping to address these age-related changes in your lips, lip filler injections can help.

This treatment is also a good way to enhance the appearance of your lips if you have unevenness, thinning lips or just want bigger lips.

What are the Advantages of having Lip Fillers ?

The lip filler treatment can give you the following benefits:

  • More voluminous and fuller lips
  • Control over lip volume
  • It’s a highly customisable treatment and can even out any lip imperfections
  • Less expensive than lip surgery
  • More reliable than a lip flip
  • Little to no discomfort or downtime
  • Non-invasive

Dos and Don’ts after lip filler treatment

After the procedure, make sure to adhere to the following lip filler aftercare following instructions to achieve the optimal clinical outcome:

1. Do’s – Things to DO after Lip Filler:

  • Apply an ice pack on the injected sites 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling
  • Brush your teeth gently
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications if required
  • Stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and fluids
  • Eat healthy – plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated using 2-3 pillows to avoid putting tension or pressure on your lips
  • Use sunscreen and protective clothing when going outside

2. Don’ts – Things to AVOID after Lip Filler

  • Avoid smoking or vaping
  • Avoid drinking alcohol after the treatment
  • Avoid flying on a plane as changes in air pressure can make bruising and swelling more prominent
  • Avoid intense heat such as saunas, hot tubs, sunbathing, or tanning
  • Avoid passionate kissing and puckering your lips
  • Avoid overly salty or spicy foods
  • Avoid scratching or picking around the injection sites
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24-48 hours
  • Avoid wearing lipstick or lip balm for at least 24 hours
  • Do not drink through a straw
  • Do not eat foods that are hard to chew

Lip Filler Aftercare FAQs

Can you put anything on your lips after lip fillers?

  • After lip fillers, you can apply an ice pack for up to 10 minutes 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling. However, you should avoid wearing lipstick, lip balm, or any lip product for 24 hours. The main goal after the treatment is to avoid putting increased tension or pressure on your lips to prevent the formation of lumps or bumps which can lead to lip asymmetry and other unwanted results.

Does drinking water help fillers?

  • Lip fillers make use of a substance that naturally occurs in your body known as hyaluronic acid but the treatment could also use other filler materials. Hyaluronic acid adds volume and fullness to the treated area by drawing in water and locking in moisture in your skin. If this type of filler is used, you need to increase your water intake to maintain skin hydration and enhance the plumping effect of the filler.

Can I use a straw after lip filler?

  • No. The sucking motion when drinking through a straw puts extra tension on the injection sites. This can lead to the formation of bumps or lumps, altering the results of the lip filler aftercare treatment.

Can you brush your teeth after lip fillers?

  • Yes, you can brush your teeth after the treatment but make sure not to put any pressure on your lips while doing so. It is recommended to use a small toothbrush and use gentle strokes when brushing.

Should I massage lip filler lumps?

  • Gentle massage can be performed on any lumps after the treatment. The lip filler practitioner will teach you the proper way of doing this technique and will provide specific lip filler aftercare instructions before you go home. Massaging the lip filler helps distribute the substance evenly in the area. However, aggressive massage will potentially destroy some of the substance.

What should I avoid before lip injections?

Before the treatment, it is recommended to avoid the following:

  • Acne medications and other meds that can make your skin sensitive
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Dehydrating foods such as those rich in caffeine
  • Medications and supplements that can increase your risk of bleeding
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Smoking

Can you drink hot drinks after lip filler?

  • After the treatment, it is recommended to avoid hot beverages. This is because you will receive a numbing cream or anaesthetic before the lip filler injections. Drinking anything too hot may lead to scald burns in your lip area without you realising it. Make sure to wait until the numbing sensation in your lips completely disappears before drinking or eating anything.

How long will my lips be swollen after filler?

Swelling should go down after 2-3 days following your lip filler aftercare treatment. Within 2 weeks, you can expect that the swelling has completely subsided. In the meantime, there are some things that you can do to minimise swelling and other associated discomforts. These include the following:

  • Avoid intense heat in the injection sites
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications
  • Use a gentle cleanser on the area
  • Avoid placing pressure or tension on the treated area
  • Avoid eating foods that are hard to chew
  • Perform the prescribed massage
  • Apply ice pack 2-3 times a day

How long are lips sore after filler?

  • Swelling should go down after 2-3 days following your lip filler aftercare treatment. You can expect any extra swelling to completely disappear after 2 weeks. Make sure to follow the lip filler aftercare instructions to prevent complications and achieve your desired results.

How can I make my lip fillers last longer?

To prolong the results of lip fillers:

  • Avoid prolonged sun exposure
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Avoid irritating skincare products
  • Stop smoking
  • Drink lots of water and fluids
  • Refrain from puckering your lips, wrinkling your nose, or furrowing your brow
  • Avoid alcoholic beverages
  • Follow aftercare instructions

How should I sleep after fillers?

  • After lip filler injections, it is recommended to avoid placing pressure or tension on your lips to prevent lumps or bumps and poor cosmetic results. When you sleep, use 2-3 pillows to elevate your head and then sleep on your back. This will provide comfort while preventing pressure on your lips.

How long do I need to ice my lips after filler?

  • After lip fillers, you can apply an ice pack for up to 10 minutes 2-3 times a day to reduce swelling. Make sure not to apply ice directly on your lips as it can lead to injury. You can use a clean cloth to wrap around the ice and then apply it to your lips.

Do lip fillers hurt?

  • During the process of injection, you may experience a slight stinging sensation in the area but this is usually tolerable. To minimise discomfort, the injector will apply a numbing cream or an ice pack in the target area before administering the filler.

Are lip fillers permanent?

  • Lip fillers are not permanent because your body gradually absorbs the filler ingredient. After 12-18 months, your lips will return to their original appearance depending on your metabolism. To maintain your desired lip volume, you may need routine touch-up treatments.

Can you get lip fillers while pregnant?

  • No. The FDA hasn’t approved the use of lip fillers for pregnant women. During your consultation, you will undergo a detailed assessment of your general health and expectations to create a customised treatment plan.

When can I eat or drink after lip fillers?

  • After the treatment, you should wait until the anaesthetic or nerve block injection has completely worn off before eating or drinking anything. This will prevent you from accidentally biting your lips which may affect the results of the treatment. In addition, this will also prevent scald burns when you eat hot foods. In general, the numbing effects of the anaesthetic on your lips can last anywhere between two and five hours. You may experience drooling and slurred speech during this time.

How much lip filler do I need?

  • The amount of lip filler you will need depends on several factors such as your lip condition, desired results, and the preferences of the practitioner. In general, you will need just 0.5 to 1 ml of filler to achieve your desired lip volume and fullness. In some cases, a little more filler (2 ml) can be used for a more dramatic look.

How often will I need to undergo lip filler injections?

  • The effects of lip fillers can last 6 months to 1 year. After this time, you will need to undergo touch-up aftercare treatments to maintain the appearance of your lips. It is important to keep in mind that the longevity of the results will depend on your lip condition, skincare regimen, and metabolism.

Further Reading after Lip Filler & Dermal Filler

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Specialist Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breastbodyface and nose surgery in Australia. He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his expert guidance, can achieve good results.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of ASPS – the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If breast reduction is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

Eyelid Rejuvenation Options – Treatments & Surgical Procedures for Eyes

Eyelid Rejuvenation Options – Treatments & Surgical Procedures for Eyes

Eyelid Rejuvenation Options for Fresher- looking Eyes – Dr Jeremy Hunt Plastic Surgeon Sydney

The first place people tend to look upon meeting you is at your eyes. Do you look tired all the time? Unfortunately, our eye area often shows our age due to volume loss and loss of elasticity. These changes go hand in hand with ageing, resulting in bags under the eyes, dark circles, droopy eyelids, wrinkles and skin having a dull, lackluster appearance. When patients come to me and they are considering options for eyelid rejuvenation options, or what we call the periorbital region, I need to consider non-surgical and surgical options to address the brow, the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid.

Non-Surgical Options for Eye Rejuvenation

Medical grade skincare programs, such as chemical peels or laser resurfacing, can help address fine lines and wrinkles around the eye and give the eye a refreshed appearance. Cosmetic injectables are another good solution. Let’s talk about the two most popular options that we have used with great success in our clinic.   

  • Anti Wrinkle Injections
    Anti-wrinkle injections can be used around the eyes to control the muscles that create wrinkles, caused by repetitive expression. These wrinkles are commonly referred to as crow’s feet at the outer end of the eye which often happen with squinting and smiling. Anti-wrinkle injections in the crow’s feet area can also create an elevation of the outer part of the brow and this is known as a chemical brow lift and can be an early solution to heaviness to the brow. Above the inner part of the eyebrow, there can be frown lines that give an angry appearance or a sign of frustration and these can be addressed with anti-wrinkle injections. Read more about Anti-Wrinkle Injections FAQs.
  • Dermal Fillers
    Dermal fillers can be used to restore volume and are used to create an elevation of the brow.  The dermal fillers can also be used to camouflage the crease in the lower eyelid known as the “tear trough”.  For some, this area can have a hollowness to it and appear dark, giving the patient that tired appearance.  Increasing the volume in the tear trough can give a refreshed appearance.

For patients wanting a long-lasting solution, there are a number of surgical options to be considered.

See the Non-Surgical Photo Gallery for examples

Browlift Sydney – An Eyelid Surgical Rejuvenation option of the Brow 

It is well known that with ageing, there is a loss of volume behind the brow as well as descent of the brow and the attractive arch appearance of the brow can be lost. Surgical rejuvenation of the brow is designed not necessarily to elevate the brow and create a startled appearance, but more so to create a pleasing arch to the brow with the outer brow being higher than the inner brow and also reflecting fullness in volume.

Combinations of volume restoration, such as fat injections, can be used to plump the brow and elevation of the brow can be used to address the inner brow, middle brow or outer brow through surgical procedures such as a temporal brow lift or endoscopic brow lift or a full open brow lift.

The key to surgical rejuvenation of the brow, is an individualised approach addressing the patient’s specific needs. 

Upper Blepharoplasty – Upper Eyelid Rejuvenation Surgery Sydney

With the signs of ageing and laxity of skin, there can be excess skin in the upper eyelid that hangs over the upper eyelid crease.  The area of skin between the upper eyelid crease and the eyelashes is known as the tarsal platform and this is where women often wear eye shadow.  If excess skin stops women wearing eye shadow, the tarsal platform is covered by excess skin and this can be addressed by removing the excess skin in the form of upper blepharoplasty. 

If the excess skin extends out onto the eye socket on the outer part of the eye, the incision can be extended to address what we term lateral hooding to remove that excess fold of skin that sits in over the crow’s feet. 

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery by Dr Jeremy Hunt - Eyelid Rejuvenation options

Lower Blepharoplasty – Lower Eyelid Surgery Sydney 

The lower eyelid is made up of three components, being the outer layer of skin, the middle layer of muscle and the inner layer of fat. Surgical eyelid rejuvenation options will sometimes need to address only the fat and this can be performed via a transconjunctival, lower blepharoplasty with the incision inside the eyelid.

The excess fat can be removed or it can be repositioned to fill the tear trough and create a seamless junction between the eyelid and the cheek. If the problem is related to excess skin on the lower eyelid, then that will need to be addressed with removal of skin and the incision is then located under the eyelashes, often with an extension out into one of the crow’s feet at the side of the eyes.

Subciliary or transconjunctival blepharoplasty are the terms we use to describe eyelid surgery when it is performed from the outside through the skin (subciliary) or from the inside to address the fat (transconjunctival).

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery by Dr Jeremy Hunt - Eyelid Rejuvenation options

How long is recovery after Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery?

It normally takes around a week to 10 days for any swelling to subside following surgery to the eyelids. As the swelling can affect vision, it’s a good idea to take at least a week off work, if not two.

As with all surgery, there are things you can do to speed up your recovery time, like plenty of bed rest, limiting physical activity, eating well, drinking plenty of fluids and getting lots of sleep. Clear your work schedule and social commitments for the advised length of time and follow Dr Hunt’s instructions to ensure you recover speedily and with no complications.

For more information about Eyelid Rejuvenation options & Blepharoplasty

Further Reading on Facial Surgery

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery in Australia.

He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If Eyelid Rejuvenation is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.

Chemical Peels vs Skin Needling – Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Chemical Peels vs Skin Needling – Which Treatment is Right for Me?

Chemical Peels vs Skin Needling for Skin Rejuvenation

Chemical Peels vs skin needling – what treatment is right in your particular case? Both are a less invasive option to laser skin resurfacing and can be a good treatment for several common skin issues.

Both treatments, when applied by an experienced cosmetic provider, can have excellent results – but which treatment is right for you?

About Chemical Peels vs Skin Needling

A chemical peel removes layers of dead skin and acts as a supercharged exfoliator, revealing the smooth and fresh skin underneath. The new skin is less wrinkled and more evenly coloured giving the face a fresh and rejuvenated appearance. Peels are also great at treating:

  • Sun damage
  • Acne scarring
  • Pigmentation
  • Fine lines and wrinkles

How long does the treatment take?

We usually allocate 30 minutes for a chemical peel appointment, however depending on the area(s) you’re having treated this may take a little longer.

Book a chemical peel appointment with our highly experienced cosmetic nurse.

How long do chemical peel the results last?

Results can vary depending on the strength of the peel and skin type. Lighter peels can last from 1-2 months whereas stronger peel results can be seen for up to 6 months. Repeated treatments are often recommended to maintain results.


About Skin Needling

Skin needling treatments usually involve running a small device over the skin to create microscopic punctures. These microinjuries then stimulate the production of collagen under the skin. Increased collagen production promotes healing and cell turnover. Skin needling is great at reducing the appearance of common skin complaints such as:

  • Uneven skin tone
  • Fine line and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Hyper-pigmentation and dark spots

How long does the treatment take?

We usually allocate 30 minutes for a skin needling appointment.

Book a skin needling appointment with our highly experience cosmetic nurse.

How long do skin needling results last?

Results vary depending on skin type, but it is recommended to repeat treatments to maintain results. It is common to have several treatments per year, with at least 4-6 weeks before each session. You may experience some redness and mild swelling after the treatment, however this should subside within 12 – 24 hours.

Read Dr Hunt’s other Skin Treatment Blogs

About Dr Jeremy Hunt – Plastic Surgeon

dr jeremy hunt

Dr Jeremy Hunt is a specialist plastic surgeon performing breast, body, face and nose surgery in Australia.

He is a member of FRACS & ASPS and has over 20 years of experience providing cosmetic and plastic surgery in Sydney.

Careful, considerate and honest, Dr Jeremy Hunt works with you to find a solution that is optimal for your body and your lifestyle. Every patient is unique and, through his guidance, can achieve good results.

Dr Hunt’s personal, one-on-one service and attention to detail has given thousands of women and men from the Sydney & Wollongong NSW area and across Australia the aesthetic results they desire.

Dr Hunt’s qualifications and education

Dr Jeremy A Hunt MBBS FRACS graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine degree from Sydney University in 1990 and is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgery. He completed a Fellowship at the prestigious University of Texas in the United States, where he learnt from some of the world’s very best plastic surgeons.

Next Step – Make an Enquiry or Request a consultation with Dr Hunt

Want more information before scheduling your consultation?

If facial rejuvenation is something you’re considering, Dr Hunt can thoroughly explain all the options to you in a one-on-one consultation.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health professional.